Corporate Ethics
Mebuki Financial Group, Inc. (hereafter referred to as the “Company” and the “Group” consisting of the Company together with its consolidated subsidiaries) defines basic policy in conducting our business activities.
(Social Responsibility and Public Mission)
- The Group will secure the creditworthiness through sound and fair business management, recognizing our social responsibility and public mission.
- The Group will accomplish honesty and fair business activities, complying with laws, regulations and other rules.
(Severing connections with antisocial forces)
- The Group stands firmly against and severs any connections with antisocial forces which threaten the order and safety of civil society and hinder sound economic and social development. In addition, the Group will strengthen approach to money laundering and financing of terrorism remaining serious in international communities.
(Providing high-quality, comprehensive financial services)
- The Group, as an infrastructure to support economic activities, will take advantage of ingenuity through the customer-oriented business activities responding to customer's needs. The Group will prepare for the terrorism, the cyberattack and the natural disaster, etc. which give a threat to civil life and corporate activity, and will provide high-quality, comprehensive financial services and contribute to the development of local economies, considering the protection of customer’s profit through the improvement of security level and the business continuity upon facing a crisis such as a disaster.
(Communication with local communities)
- The Group will secure aggressive and effective information disclosure fairly and work toward constructive dialogue with stakeholders directed at an increasing corporate value. Furthermore, the Group will communicate with the society widely to secure the understanding and trust from the society.
(Promoting and Contributing to the development of local communities)
- Recognizing that the Group could not continue and develop without solidarity with local communities, the Group will promote positively and contribute to the development of local communities as good corporate citizen.
(Respect for human rights)
- The Group will respect for all human rights.
(Work-style reform and working environment improvement)
- The Group will realize the work-style reform that respect diversity, individuality and personality of employees and will secure the workplace considering a healthy and safe environment for employees.
(Approach to the environmental issues)
- The Group will engage in initiatives to maintain the natural environment in a healthy state, through reduction of environmental burden such as efficient use of resources and reduction of waste, and provision of comprehensive financial services.