

Message From The President

Tetsuya Akino, President Kazuyuki Shimizu, Executive Vice President

Tetsuya Akino, PresidentKazuyuki Shimizu, Executive Vice President

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support and patronage.

Under a prolonged monetary easing policy, intensifying competition, low birthrate and aging population, industrial and work structure changes and sudden changes in markets conditions cause by global monetary tightening, the environment surrounding local financial institutions has become increasingly severe in the traditional financial services area such as securities investment, deposits, and loans. On the other hand, we can expect to expand our business in the areas of comprehensive financial and non-financial services, due to the changes in our daily lives and social actions caused by rising prices of resources and goods, the global spread of COVID-19 and the progress of deregulation in non-financial business areas, in addition to major trends such as shifting to a decarbonized, recycling-oriented society.

Amid such an environment, the Group is implementing various measures to achieve the goals of our Third Medium-Term Business Plan, in which we positioned the three years from Fiscal Year 2022 to be a “Period for Taking on Challenges for Sustainable Growth” to realize the vision we are aiming for in 2030: to be “A Value Creation Group Working Together with Local Communities”. We will contribute to local communities beyond the tradition framework by steadily working to sow and nurture the seeds of sustainability and new business areas, while strengthening our management structure by innovating traditional banking areas and deepening comprehensive financial service areas.

We are committed to making every effort to design a prosperous future for the local region by consolidating the ingenuity of the Group to meet the expectations of our customers, local communities and shareholders. We ask for your continued support as we strive toward this goal.

Tetsuya Akino, President
Kazuyuki Shimizu, Executive Vice President
Mebuki Financial Group, Inc.